Clear the F.O.G.

From the drain to the treatment plant, our wastewater system has to be properly maintained in order to work effectively. This system of pipes transports wastewater to the treatment plant and is not designed to be a disposal. FOG is the acronym for the fats, oils and grease that get washed down the drain coating and sticking to the inside of the pipes. The wastewater travels through the system by gravity, so when large amounts of FOG collect in the system there is little room for the downward flow of wastewater. Once the pipes are clogged with FOG, the wastewater reverses direction and finds the path of least resistance.

Sources of FOG

Whether you are a home or business, FOG can come from many sources:

Grease and food scraps are often washed into the plumbing system through kitchen sinks, disposals and drains. The slightest bit of grease down the drain might seem insignificant, but thousands of homes and businesses are connected to the wastewater system. That slight bit of grease can quickly turn into a blockage, which could potentially cause costly, unhealthy backups. Grease related backups can result in raw sewage overflowing into homes, businesses, streets, yards, parks and waterways, exposing harmful disease-causing organisms. Additionally, cleanup and repairs from damage due to grease related backups create excessive maintenance costs, which could result in increased wastewater rates.